Adjustable duct grilles for the supply / extract application!
- 50 l/s – 850 l/s
- 2 configurations
- Mounting – Duct
- Tapered to match circular & oval galvanised steel ducts
- Duct sizes 125 – 1500
- Mounting gasket
- Adjustable blades
- Opposed blade damper option
RV is designed to fit directly onto the side of an exposed circular duct without the need for a stub duct or transition piece. The flange is supplied complete with a foam sealing gasket on all 4 sides.
These units can be provided with either a single row of vertical blades, or a set of vertical blades at the front and a set of horizontal blades at the rear. There are a range of sizes for each grille to suit ducts from Ø125 - Ø1500. Each grille can be supplied with an aluminium opposed blade damper if required.