Indoor climate in a skiwax trailer, for top performance inside and outside
This is the skiwax trailer
A couple of years ago, the Swedish biathlon federation invested in a new trailer for their skiwaxing team. Sustainability was key when the requirements for the trailer was set, especially the people and planet perspectives of sustainability were prioritised.
A good indoor climate was established to be essential to ensure a perfect work environment because the biathlon team certainly knows how important their waxers' well-being is for the entire team's success. At the same time, the biathlon team has a natural bond to the outdoors and wanted the trailer to make as little impact on the environment as possible. The latter was summarised in a requirement of greatly improved energy efficiency compared to previous trailer.
All in all, the aim was to design an exceptional trailer that would set the example and lead the way towards a better future.
Top performance leveraged by a good indoor climate
It is stated in the film below, that the ski waxing team is the essential foundation and base for success for the entire biathlon team. Good skis is a must in a sport where the difference between winning a medal or not can be a hundredth of a second.
Several studies show that poor air quality has a negative effect on both performance and strategic decision making, so also among athletes. A surge in the concentration of particles in the air can increase the risk of making a false decision by more than 26%. Processes that require cognitive functions are in particular affected by the level of carbon dioxide, and there seems to be a notable increased sensitivity to poor air quality in demanding situations.
Learn more about air quality and performance in our guide
An innovative solution based on great experience
The customer's requirements were to create the best indoor climate ever in a trailer, and to do so while making the least impact on the environment. A challenge we gladly took on at Swegon.
In the light of what the daily work as a skiwaxer involve, air quality was certainly a critical factor to consider when we designed the indoor climate solution for the trailer. To ensure a work environment free from rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and particles, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), we made sure that the trailer was going to be ventilated similarly to a hospital OR.
As the film will explain, five Swegon CASA R5-H air handling units (AHUs) introduce air at floor level, and the used air is extracted at the work benches. Approximately 85% of the heat energy in the extracted air is recovered by the AHUs, and all air let out to the outdoors is thoroughly filtered. Our Swegon WISE system for demand controlled ventilation ensures and optimal indoor climate at all times. The system monitors and controls, among else, air quality, temperature and humidity through a number of indoor and outdoor sensors. The indoor climate surely allows for top performance inside the trailer, and hence also outside.
Learn more about CO2 and VOCs in our expert's blog post
See our guide about efficient energy recovery
The air we borrow from the outdoors, is probably cleaner when we give it back from the trailer.Kent Norell, Wax-technician manager, Swedish Biatholon Federation
Below are some of the products used in this indoor climate solution

Guide: Sports facilities
Our Sports facilities guide tackles the challenges of creating a good indoor climate for athletes, and since skiwaxers are vital in the success of biathlon skiiers, this guide puts the trailer in a relevant context.