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Showing 12 of 13 products
Äïìr håàndlïìng ûûnïìt wïìth róôtåàry héêåàt éêxchåàngéêr åànd tóôp, sïìdéê óôr L cóônnéêctïìóôns, wïìth cóôntróôls
GOLD PX is an air handling unit with a counterflow plate heat exchanger and top, side, or L connections, with controls.
GOLD SD is an air handling unit with controls.
CASA R3 is a compact air handling unit with a rotary heat exchanger and controls, suitable for installation in the wall or ceiling and air flow rates of 53 - 170 CFM
CASA R5 is a compact air handling unit with a rotary heat exchanger and controls, suitable for installation in the wall or ceiling and air flow rates of 74 - 254 CFM
CASA R7 is a compact air handling unit with a rotary heat exchanger and controls, suitable for installation in the wall or ceiling and air flow rates of 127 - 398 CFM
CASA R9 is a compact air handling unit with a rotary heat exchanger and controls, suitable for installation in the wall or ceiling and air flow rates of 159 – 513 CFM
Sensors for fully automatic ventilation control
GC 50 is a control panel for CASA Genius ventilation units
Smart phone applications for CASA Genius ventilation units
CASA SEC is a connection module for Swegon CASA ventilation units
CASA SEM is a Modbus connection module for Swegon CASA ventilation units